Benefits of hiring a Graphic Designer for your business

Small business branding on white paper

If you have clicked on this blog, I’m guessing that you are considering whether hiring a Graphic Designer for your business is necessary. It may be that you need help to design a logo, website, stationery or other marketing collateral. I’m pretty biased when it comes to the advantages of investing in good design (after […]

FREE SEO website tools I use to improve my client’s websites

Laptop, coffee and notebook on bed to write down SEO website tools

When a small business owner tells me their website isn’t producing leads and they feel as though their SEO (or lack of) may be the culprit, I put on my investigation hat and get to work – well, I more or less pour myself a cuppa, put on my glasses and get my nerd on. […]

Essential apps to run your small business

Image of hands holding a mobile phone

Along my small business journey, I have come across some amazing apps and tools to streamline my processes, so I thought I would share some of them with you. No matter what kind of business you run, I’m pretty sure we all share some of the same challenges! Hopefully this collection of apps I have […]